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Center for Fairness, Justice, and Equity in the College of Education

LGBTQ+ Resources

MT Lambda

Join the oldest LGBTQIA+ higher education student organization int he state of Tennessee. It is a safe, secure, and accepting environment for everyone in the lGBTQIA+ community at MTSU. Allies are always welcome, too! Visit their website!

Preferred Name & Pronouns

In our ongoing efforts to best support you, our students, we have made a few advancements in recognition and awareness.
First, MTSU students can now request a preferred name by completing the Preferred Name Request form.  A preferred name (sometimes known as a chosen name, a nickname, or a name-in-use) is usually a first name that differs from one’s legal name.  You may prefer to go by your middle name, a version of your name, an Americanized name, or a name that reflects your gender identity. 
Second, D2L can now display pronouns. To have your pronouns displayed in the Classlist for this and all MTSU courses in D2L, please follow the steps below:
  • Click your name in the top right corner of the D2L homepage or course home page.
  • Select Account Settings.
  • Pronouns is the first area, and you will select to allow D2L to display your pronouns there.
  • Click the second radio button to enter your pronouns. The first button says you have none because our Student Information System does not transfer the information to D2L, you will need to manually enter your preferred pronouns.
  • Save and close.
  • Your pronouns will appear in the Classlist overnight when D2L runs its update.
  • Should you decide at a later point you do not want your pronouns available, simply return to Account Settings and select the option not to show them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or

Upcoming Events:

Student Newsletter: Check out what's happening in the COE!

Want to change your name or add pronouns to D2L? Click Here